What could be more autumnal than an autumnal coloured beer inspired by the sort of beers found in cosy English boozers? Probably a few things, but we reckon this ESB from SA's Smiling Samoyed is pretty darn well suited to the season for which it was brewed.
It's a limited release beer inspired by English Extra Special Bitters and plays a very straight bat: East Kent Goldings hops add unobtrusive floral aromas to a beer awash with creamy nutty and toffee malts and some raisin like fruity esters. The hops contribute a slow building twiggy bitterness too in a beer that almost demands you pop on a flat cap and ask your whippet if she'd like a pork scratching.
Published May 20, 20152015-05-20 00:00:00
Smiling Samoyed
48 Main South Rd
SA 5202
(08) 8558 6166
Open Hours
Mon to Fri: midday to 4pm
Sat & Sun: 11.30am to 5pm
Most public holidays: midday to 4pm
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