I’ve finally done it. After a lifetime of knowing nothing about cumquats, I’ve researched them, so now I finally know what they are.
It’s not that I’ve never interacted with cumquats before. I’ve eaten cumquat marmalade. I’ve tasted gin with cumquats in it. I’m even fairly sure I’ve seen cumquats on a tree. But somehow they remained a mystery to me. Anyway, now I’m an expert in cumquats.*
Onto this beer.
It comes out of the tinnie gold, bright, and ready to party. The upfront impression is all citrus and pineapple bubblegum, with the cumquats and their sweet peel bringing plenty of playful character. But the beer keeps evolving as you drink, with a bitterness carrying the taste of grain and a minerally dryness in the finish, along with a slight alcohol flavour as your drink warms.
As my expertise in cumquats is quite new,** it’s hard for me to tell exactly what parts of the beer are bearing the influence of the cumquats. But that’s the beauty of a brewer balancing flavours from different ingredients, right?
Mick Wüst
I am not an expert in cumquats. Please don’t ask me about cumquats.
Again, definitely not an expert. I skimmed a Wikipedia article.*
Published February 1, 2023 2023-02-01 00:00:00