The Fresh Coast Series of higher ABV, hop-driven beers from Hawkers isn't hanging around. It's not long since we found ourselves enjoying the crystalline charms of Nostalgic Tones and yet already the follow up, Red Shift, is here. If its immediate predecessor lent towards the hops, this shifts maltwards: fuller, stickier, with a toffee brittle like character wrapped around its yuzu and red berry fruits. An earthy bitterness is there to dry out the sweetness a little, leaving you with a burnt crust and brown sugar edge to the lingering hop oils.
The 2021 version of their popular IIPA looks like liquid citrine, and ploughs that furrow between classic US IPA and something fruitier, straddling the divide between Naughties West Coast USA and Twenties Everywhere-There's-IPA. Juicy mandarin and candy fruits meet something a little deeper and spicier, with the close to double figures booze content contributing to a stewed pineapple malt sweetness and a fair bit of tingly heat.
James Smith
Published June 25, 2021 2021-06-25 00:00:00