“Wednesday’s child is full of woe hops.”
This beer may find something of a kindred spirit in Wednesday Addams (as pictured on the label and masterfully portrayed by Christina Ricci in the early 90s films); her incisive words and dry humour meet their match in the biteyness and dry finish of Girl IPA.
But Wednesday’s taciturn demeanour isn’t mirrored here, since this beer doesn’t hold anything back, but shares as much of itself as it can. Pawpaw, grapefruit zest, and a touch of mango braid together with piney bitterness.
Be careful, or this no-nonsense West Coast IPA may make you lose your head.
(Note: This beer was originally named Psychotic Girl after the Black Keys song, but was changed since Moffat Beach Brewing Co never intended any disrespect towards people struggling with mental health, or towards women. And we at The Crafty Pint approve of this kind of respectful amendment!)
Mick Wust