This is for anyone who enjoys a beer cleaner than your grandma's pride and joy china cabinet.
Ballistic’s core range Lager is a no fuss German-style pilsner, drinking crisp with a healthy bitterness throughout. It’s straw gold, clear as a crystal ball, and tastes like chewing on soft bread fresh from the oven. The brewers put in a tonne of effort behind the scenes to make sure you don’t have to put in any effort when you drink it. Both the clean white labels and the clean finish on the palate can make it hard to pass up buying a carton.
For those playing at home, this lager is based on Ballistic’s previous Springfield Pilsner, which they released with the opening of their Springfield brewpub. The Pils was originally designed for locals, but when you make a beer this quaffable, it’s hard to keep it contained - especially when you streamline the malt bill and hop bill to increase the quaffability even further.
Mick Wust
Published June 3, 2020 2020-06-03 00:00:00