Phil O’Shea brewed a big (for his Wollongong operation) 700 litre batch of his supercharged milk stout then left half as is for his straight Pastry Stout. With the other half, he went and threw in a load of raspberry purée.
“Raspberry and chocolate always work well together,” he says. “We really like the raspberry sour that we do so it was a no-brainer to jump to this to start with.”
The key phrase there is “to start with”; Phil has plans for a few other pastry stout flavours before winter is through.
Glen Humphries
Published May 30, 20192019-05-30 00:00:00
Five Barrel Brewing
318 Keira Street
NSW 2500
(02) 4200 8881
Open Hours
Sun to Wed: midday to 6pm
Thurs to Sat: midday to 9pm
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