Sustainability: Recycling

Supported by Bintani

Showcasing the individuals and businesses making the beer world a more sustainable place.

Currumbin Valley Brewing's Taproom Finally Opens

​After seven years of brewing and a false start last year, Currumbin Valley Brewing have finally opened their taproom. We chatted to co-owner Smokey about their rustic, upcycled new space literally just around the corner from Balter.

The Beer Gear of Tmorrow

Band and brewery t-shirts have much in common; now thanks to a Sydney-based business, they're becoming more sustainable too. Learn how Tmorrow are turning clothing waste and plastic bottles into excellent tees.

Local Brewing Co Lay Waste To Waste

Over the last few years, Local Brewing have been working closely with Coles Liquor and local farmers to turn excess fruit into beer. As they prepare to launch the fourth Surplus Series release, we chatted to the brewery and retailer about how it all works.

Going Green: Bearhug Pallet Wrap

Plastic is often a necessary evil in the beer world: it can help keep beer safe but often ends up in landfill. It's an issue being tackled by Bearhug Pallet Wrap, a startup looking to move beer safely while cutting out single-use plastic.

Going Green: The Common Good Company

What if every single thread of your beer merch was made from recycled cotton and recycled drink bottles? We caught up with The Common Good Company for a chat about their high quality apparel with a low impact on the planet.

Going Green: KlippaKan

Plastic can holders might be ubiquitous in craft beer but a local company has developed another way to keep your tinnies together. Johnston Packaging and Grifter have just unveiled the KlippaKan, which has been in the works for a year.

The Collaborators: Grain Totes, Totes Great

Matt Lawrence wants to see repurposed malt bags replace single use bags across the beer industry. We got in touch to find out how he’s making it happen one tote bag at a time.

Trash To Treasure

Each year, Australia wastes a gargantuan amount of food. But breweries across the country are finding ways to try reduce this waste and, in the process, are building further value into our agricultural system.

Going Green: Bright Bins

Bright Brewery have long put sustainable practices at the core of their business and are now looking to take a recycling initiative nationwide.

Going Green: One Drop's Box

As part of their mission to inspire change, young Sydney brewery One Drop have designed unique environmentally friendly packaging for their cans. Marie Claire Jarratt got in touch to find out more.

Podcast B2
High Country Hop 2025 B2