Everyone does a hazy pale ale these days, which makes it all the more ballsy that Sauce have called theirs just that: Hazy Pale Ale. Pouring an easily identifiable shade of carbonated breakfast juice, the beer formerly known as Caribbean Fog boasts equally fast-breaking juice aromas with pineapple and citrus at the forefront.
There’s a nice, creamy, fruity, hoppy, kinky rhythm to HPA. To start, there's a pine bitterness driven by hops before a fruity sweetness tickles the tongue. The finish is a high five between these two contrasting flavour harmonies that rings through in a gustatory manner rather than something audible. Overall, HPA is not so much a potent hop bomb, rather a beer that will keep you entertained without requiring a tastebud transplant.
Benedict Kennedy-Cox
Published March 17, 2023 2023-03-17 00:00:00