Along with their selection of seltzers, Sauce are catering to the don’t-like-beer-but-I’m-at-a-brewery-for-a-birthday market with their simply titled Ginger Beer.
It pours with the clear tint and effervescence of a sparkling white wine. You’d almost mistake it for such if it wasn’t for a little natural sediment settling at the bottom. Although light in alcohol, Ginger Beer has an almost lacquer like sensation in your mouth, coating seemingly everything in there, down to the roots of your molars and up through the nostrils.
Well balanced, this is not overly sweet, bitter nor harsh on the throat meaning it won’t cure any colds but might beat the heat on a hot day, pairing well with plenty of ice and a wedge of lime.
Benedict Kennedy-Cox
Published December 4, 2023 2023-12-04 00:00:00