Little Bang Spacer & The Perfect Pale Ale

Alcohol-Free APA & Aussie Pale
<0.5% & 4.1%

Well, it's safe to say it doesn't look like the passion for alcohol-free beers is going away any time soon. Adelaide's Little Bang Brewing have now made their pitch for sobriety with Spacer, and boy what a good job they've done. Thanks to generous late hop additions plus "some cutting edge extracts" and "so much technology", this sub-0.5er with a pretty deep copper colour serves up some juicy candy fruits on the nose and a body as full as any no-alc beer I can recall. There’s a quirkiness to the finishing bitterness akin to that I’ve found in many other beers of its ilk, but it sits safely in the background of what's one of the best crafty non-alcs to come our way yet.

Back in the world of beer-with-booze, although not too much in this case, is Perfect Pale. The name is one heck of a bold statement to make about a beer, even one the brewers have been refining for more than a year before release. It's based around Aussie Melba and Vic Secret hops and if your idea of a perfect pale is some juiced up hop bomb then you'll find it rather imperfect. That's because it's much more of the session Aussie pale / Pacific ale ilk: light golden in colour, delicate with its floral, citrusy, melony hops, and with its balancing sweet malts and soft bitterness.

Dry enough to be refreshing without quenching, light enough to have a few, if you imagine a perfect beer garden session pale, you’ll know where they’re coming from.

James Smith

Published November 20, 2021

Little Bang Brewing

25 Henry Street
SA 5069

(08) 8362 7761
Open Hours

Wed & Thurs: 5pm to 10pm
Fri & Sat: midday to 10pm
Sunday: midday to 6pm

Regular events

Wed: Quiz Night
Monthly: New episodes on their YouTube channel


Yes! Get in touch for details

Bendigo TAFE 2025 B2
Ecogrip 2025 B

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