The 1979 American war movie Apocalypse Now is the inspiration for the eleventh iteration of Little Bang’s Undercover Fashion Police. For Hopocalypse Now, the ABV has been toned back down to 5.1 percent again and, just like the movie, Hopocalypse Now features a roll call of stellar characters. This action-packed NEIPA substitutes Marlon Brando with Citra, Robert Duvall with Galaxy and Martin Sheen for Vic Secret.
Once the opening credits roll, it's more juicy thriller than dark meditation, as tropical fruits explode from the glass like bullets from a machine gun – pew pew pew. Syrupy mango and passionfruit take a lead role, while papaya and a little tangerine appear in supporting roles. There's a decent haze, albeit short of cloudy territory, while the passionfruit and mango step up to shine on the palate of this dark yellow drop. There is a noticeable bitterness which supports a nice dry finish, but really this is a juice bomb for those who love the smell of NEIPA in the morning.
Matt King
Published November 2, 2020 2020-11-02 00:00:00