In late 2018, Batch released two session IPAs under the name Tasman Tango - one made with Australian malts and hops, the other made with New Zealand malts and hops - and sold them in mixed four-packs, partnered up so people could compare them and see what they liked about each. Now, Batch has taken the Tasman Tango name and put it on a beer that essentially brings together the best of both countries as they dance the dance of love.
The malts in Tasman Tango approach with confidence, head held high, but they recognise that their main role is to make the hops look good. Tropical Vic Secret hops hold the floral Rakau hops in an embrace that’s loose but firm; neither steals the show, but each lets the other move in its own sensual way, and together create a smooth vanilla vibe.
After all, it takes two to create this kind of passion.
Mick Wust
Published October 22, 2019 2019-10-22 00:00:00