If you ever get the opportunity to head into space and look into a black hole (that’s the dream, right?), you won’t actually see anything. That’s because nothing – not even light – can escape it. That phenomenon is known as an event horizon and is discussed at great lengths by physicists and sci-fi lovers alike.
But whether you’re an astrophysicist or just a punter whose knowledge of space is limited to what you learned from Interstellar, you’ll notice that Event Horizon is about as dark as beers come. While it’s a porter on the label, it’s a stout on the eyes - black with a chocolate brown head.
You can go into it for the touch of cola and the dry roastiness polished with cocoa and coffee, all sweetened out a little by the Queensland vanilla beans that have been aged on spiced rum. But don’t expect to be overcome with complexity; the smooth drinkability of this porter is what really sucks you in. As long as the darkness is in your glass, you can’t escape it.
Event Horizon started its life as a year-round release, but nowadays it shows up during the winter months and slips away when the warmth comes back.
Mick Wust
Published June 10, 2021 2021-06-10 00:00:00