The South Coast of NSW is one of Australia's most beautiful destinations and one that's increasingly crafty. Benny Kennedy-Cox took a trip to the southernmost stretch to soak up the beers and the serenity.
To wrap up our guide to the best of beer on the Sunshine Coast, we ducked into the bars, restaurants and bottleshops dedicated to showcasing good beer. Spoiler: it was at a lot of places.
The Sunny Coast has far too many breweries to contain them all in just one article. Here, we continue our three-part guide to the Sunshine Coast, this time looking at the breweries in the upper half of the region.
When you hear "Sunshine Coast", you think "beaches". But the Sunny Coast is a sprawling region that includes hinterland towns, cities and farms... and plenty of good beer. Our three-part guide to the region starts in the south.