
Back To The Bar, Melbourne

Today, after making it through a world record number of days in lockdown, Melbourne is open again. James Smith and Will Ziebell spoke to brewery and venue owners and returning customers to assess the vibe.

Back To The Bar, Sydney

Many businesses across Sydney and New South Wales opened to customers for the first time in more than three months yesterday. Two members of The Crafty Pint team were among those heading back to the bar.

Back To The Bar – For The Last Time?

Venues in much of New South Wales are reopening today, with Victoria set to follow in the coming weeks. Will Ziebell chatted to business owners about their hopes, fears, vaccine passports and excitement at welcoming back guests.

Help #emptythekegs

Much of Australia has faced lockdowns through 2021, making it difficult for breweries and venues to sell kegs. In response, one beer lover has launched the social media campaign #emptythekegs to help keep tap beer moving.

A Year On The COVID Roller-Coaster – Part II

Following on from our look at the impact of COVID-19 on the brewing industry, we switch our focus to hospo, retail and beer lovers – one year on from the day the country was closed for business.

A Year On The COVID Roller-Coaster – Part I

It was a year nobody could foresee and nobody wanted, yet the worst fears of March 2020 haven't been realised. Over two features, we take on in-depth look at the local beer industry 12 months on from the nationwide lockdown.

The Big Issue: The Future Of Beer Fests II

Six months ago, we asked what beer festivals might look like in the new COVID-altered landscape. As events start to make their comeback, we revisited the topic to see what else has been learned and what might lie ahead.

Jervis Bay: Fighting Fit One Year On

Jervis Bay Brewing Co opened as bushfires swept the region, closed to the public due to COVID-19 months later, yet are looking forward with optimism after celebrating their first anniversary in the lead up to Christmas.

GABS Canned For 2020

After two postponements and the earlier cancellation of their Auckland event, the GABS team has been forced to defer their remaining 2020 events. Instead, they're now looking ahead to their traditional dates in 2021.

Vic Brewers Excluded From Hospo Support Grants

Brewers who were hoping to apply for financial support from the Licensed Hospitality Venue Grant have found their venues are currently excluded from the Victorian government's COVID-19 program.

High Country Hop 2025 B2
AIBAs 25 – B2
Victorians To Take To The Streets

Victorians could be heading to the streets (and rooftops and parks) as part of the state government's plan to bring the hospitality industry back to life in a COVIDSafe manner. But questions remain over what the future holds.

The Big Issue: The Future Of Beer Fests

How will beer festivals look in a post-COVID world? We chat to the organisers of those still going ahead in 2020 and others who've had to adapt about the future of major events in the local beer world.

Postcards from the Edge No.43: Open & Shut Case

It's a scenario all venue owners have feared since Australia started to move towards reopening: a second lockdown. And it came to Ascot Vale on the day Jimmy's Tap & Barrel was set to open for the first time since March.

The Future Is...?

Many venues in Victoria opened for the first time in 70 days today as restrictions elsewhere were eased further. Yet any celebrations will be tempered by the fact the road to recovery remains long and many won't make it to the end.

Postcards from the Edge No.32: Keeping Hospo Alive

An initiative providing meals and support for hospo workers impacted by COVID-19 has already provided more than 6,000 meals since launching in March. Will Ziebell spoke to one of the founders of CoViD-19 EAD.

50 Days Of Shutdown

It will be a long time before we know the full impact of COVID-19. But on day 50 of the momentous decision to shutdown the country's venues, we asked people throughout the industry for their thoughts.

Keeping Local Alive

The restrictions on social gatherings and movement imposed in the fight against COVID-19 will have serious impacts on the beer, hospitality and events industries, among others. We look at how we can try to help them survive.