James Halliday Article: Brighter Shade Of Pale

December 6, 2012, by Crafty Pint

James Halliday Article: Brighter Shade Of Pale

Towards the end of the month, the next edition of James Halliday’s Wine Companion Magazine will feature an article by The Crafty Pint looking back at what has been an incredible year for craft beer in Australia. Featuring some of the year’s best, most creative, most unusual and most sessionable beers, it is a sign of the magazine’s commendable efforts to cover what is going on in the local craft beer scene.

It’s the eighth feature we’ve written for the magazine since it launched in 2011, two of which we’ve run here on Crafty since publication. So here’s the third, one which focuses on the world of pale ales.

Targeted at a readership that’s made up predominantly of wine drinkers who may only have a limited knowledge or understanding of beer, this article looks at beers that frequently bring people into the craft beer fold and features input from:

  • Alex Troncoso, former head brewery at Little Creatures, who has recently left the company since the Lion takeover to join Camden Town Brewery in the UK
  • Dr Tim Cooper of legendary SA family brewery Coopers
  • Brennan Fielding, head brewer at the Gold Coast’s serial medal-winning Burleigh Brewing


The next edition of the magazine is due out towards the end of December. You can read the previous two features we’ve posted on this site here and here. And you can follow the magazine on Facebook.


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