Crafty Does Movember

October 31, 2019, by Crafty Pint

Crafty Does Movember

The Crafty Pint crew will be turning into Mo Bros and Mo Sistas and getting behind Movember. The Bros will be sculpting taches, the Sistas (and heavily bearded) setting themselves other, exercise-related challenges throughout the month.

It should prove interesting; while there are some in the team who've done it before – and the site's founder has had everything from caveman's beard to quite ridiculous Chopper-with-extras facial hair in the past, voluntarily too – there are others for whom shaving is a seasonal thing. So let's see what they manage over the coming 30 days...

We felt it was an important step to take and follows on from our partnership with Craft Beer Coopery and their work to raise awareness of men's mental health in partnership with R U OK?

Mental health and general wellbeing are issues faced by many in a fast-growing industry like craft beer, where many people are running or working within small businesses. When the industry is based around alcohol, there's a danger of compounding issues too.

There's been plenty of good work around the issue of mental health and general wellbeing in the local beer world so we thought we'd put our money (and yours, hopefully) where our mouths (or, for some of the Crafty team, top lips, at least) are.

Check the various team members' Instagram Stories for updates during Movember (see below for accounts) and feel free to donate to the Crafty Pint Movember team via this page. We're getting most of the team together for a Crafty Weekender towards the end of the month so will be able to compare progress in person then.

Of course, we're not the only people in the beer world taking part. You've got Jim Gold embarking on an epic running mission in Brisbane, the Mobart Mo Bros in Tassie, who've already raised more than $750,000 over the years and this time around have their own beer brewed by T-Bone Brewing, while Stomping Ground will be donating another $75,000 to Movember through their third annual Gipps St Pale-led campaign.

So, to everyone taking part, good luck!

The Crafty Pint team on Instagram

Here's where you can keep tabs on progress over the month...

We'll add more team members as they sign up.

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