Ownership Infographic – September 2019

September 5, 2019, by Crafty Pint

Ownership Infographic – September 2019

As one industry commentator put it to us recently, keeping this infographic up to date is something of a Sisyphean task. But, given recent moves, we figured we should at least attempt to put together a snapshot of who owns whom in the local beer world.

The situation at this moment in time is rather fluid so you could argue that even what we have below isn't quite right. We've moved the key local businesses – CUB, 4 Pines and Pirate Life – that are set to transfer from AB InBev to Asahi early in 2020 under the Asahi section despite the fact the sale has yet to be finalised. At the same time, some of the international brands we've left in the AB InBev section could also move to Asahi control. 

As the statement announcing AB InBev's plans to sell the businesses it had acquired following the merger with SABMiller says: "AB InBev will grant Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. rights to commercialize the portfolio of AB InBev’s global and international brands in Australia." 

Similarly, Woolworths intend to divest their drinks and hospitality business, ALH, which would require a separate update, and Lion/Kirin continue to open more brewpub style operations like Eumundi and Bevy.

You'll note we've added a new section at the bottom too: Indie Families. While, as with the Bickford's portfolio, these are independent, Australian-owned businesses, we felt the appearance of these connected groups of brands over the past four years was a development worth noting. You can read more about that here.

So, as of September 5, 2019, here's our updated Ownership Infographic; here's the one from June last year for comparison too. NB If we've made any glaring errors / omissions, please let us know so we can make the appropriate changes!


You can download a higher resolution version of the graphic here.

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