Help Us Get Blind: Mid-Strengths

October 29, 2018, by Crafty Pint

Help Us Get Blind: Mid-Strengths

Following our Golden Age Of Mids? feature, we're bringing our blind tastings out of hibernation to see who's doing such beers the best. We're getting a panel together in early November and want your help picking the lineup.

Given we sampled "session sours" earlier in the year, we're keeping this to water, malt, hops and yeast beers – no kettle sours, fruit, flowers, barrels, ginger, wine grapes, wild yeasts etc – and are keeping things under 4 percent ABV too. As with previous tastings, they must be available in package – can or bottle – rather than draught only as it means a wider cross-section of our readership can get their hands on them should they wish to.

Below you'll find a long list of Australian brewed beers that fit within this broad category and we'd like you to pick your top ten to help us whittle it down to a manageable number for our judges to take on in one sitting.

Of course, we may have missed some, so please email us ASAP if anything needs adding. As we're doing the tasting on November 9 and need time to source the beers, it's a tight voting period, one where voting closes on October 31, at which stage we'll take your top ten then make up the numbers as we have done in the past few tastings, namely...

  • Inclusion of any beers that have picked up golds or trophies at the most recent Australian International Beer Awards and Craft Beer Awards;
  • A balancing of numbers to reflect the number of beers from each state in the original long list;
  • Three lucky dip picks from those that missed out.

You can view all past blind tastings here too.

NB We're only requesting your email address in the form below to ensure there are no multiple entries.

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