The 2018 Australian Craft Beer Survey Launches

June 22, 2018, by Crafty Pint

The 2018 Australian Craft Beer Survey Launches

Since launching two years ago, the annual Australian Craft Beer Survey devised by Sydney retailer Beer Cartel has rapidly become a great gauge of the local beer scene. In its first year, more than 6,000 people took part; in 2017, that number almost tripled, creating a snapshot of the Aussie craft beer scene unlike any other.

The 2018 survey is live now and will remain open until late July/early August, featuring many of the same questions as the past two years but also a number of new ones that reflect where we are today. 

Take Part In The 2018 Survey

Last year, respondents anointed Pirate Life as the best brewery in Australia, knocking Feral off top spot into second. With both having sold since then, the former to AB InBev, the latter to Coca-Cola Amatil, it will be interesting to see whether drinkers' views have changed; both brewing companies registered lower in the most recent GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers poll than in previous years.

The survey introduced questions around independence in 2017 too, with 99 percent of respondents saying they'd be willing to buy beer from an independent Australian brewing company, compared to 23 percent who would buy from a craft beer owned by a multinational. More than eight in ten said they believed an independent seal – now introduced by the Independent Brewers Association (IBA) – would have an impact on their purchasing decisions.

“Last year the survey found a strong preference for beer produced by independently owned breweries," says Beer Cartel's Richard Kelsey. It will be interesting to see if perceptions have changed and if the buy-outs have had any influence on consumer purchase habits."

In 2018, you'll find questions around beer styles, expenditure, festivals and more. You can take part here and view our 2017 results article here. If you needed added incentive, one respondent will win $500 to spend on, you guessed it, craft beer.

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