Two Rupees’ Summer of ‘69 Party

Sat 3 Dec 11:00am

Two Rupees’ Summer of ‘69 Party

While it may not always have been outwardly observable recently, a glance at the calendar confirms that, yes, summer is coming – and the crew at Two Rupees couldn't be more excited about that. Indeed, they've deemed it their duty to officially welcome in the new season with an event full of bright colours and bold flavours: the Summer of '69 Party. 

It's happening at their Clayton South home on December 3 and you're most welcome to join them for food, fun, music and more.  

Things officially kick off at the leisurely time of 11am, with DJs spinning tracks until 5pm, at which point the live bands take over and you commence dancing the night away. 

The food sounds fantastic, with Real Jerk dishing up Jamaican dishes from brunch-to-lunch, followed by the rhythmic Sri Lankan food truck, Ta-ka Ta-ka Kottu. 

And, of course, Two Rupees will make sure there's always something delicious to drink.

This event is one for the whole neighbourhood – friends, kids, dogs, you name it, they're all welcome.

Crafty Cabal Member offer at Two Rupees Brewing: $10 Tasting Paddles at Two Rupees

Special Event Types: Cabal Cabal Crafty Pint Industry