When I think Märzen, I usually think of the examples I’ve had that present with malt sweetness: a rich honeyed character that sticks with me from sip to sip, even if the beer ultimately finishes dry. I don’t believe I’ve had a smoked Märzen before. [Blimey – I owe you a Schlenkerla Märzen pronto, Mick! – Editor]
So my brain didn’t know what to do with Chimney Sweeper at first. Straight up, this Bavarian-style smoked Märzen caught me off guard by being light in the mouth rather than a bit hefty. Despite the golden syrup colour, there’s no real caramel malt character other than perhaps one that's a level, polished rink that the beechwood smoked malt skates across with wisps of bacon smoke.
Perhaps the most surprising thing is that the beer is so very drinkable – if it weren’t for the ABV, I’d happily describe it as sessionable.
Mick Wust
Published November 1, 2021 2021-11-01 00:00:00