Revered by seasoned beer drinkers as the apex of beer styles – yes, yes, lambic and yes, crisp pilsner – barleywine commands respect, for alcohol content that's typically double digit even if you're not interested in its historical links to the mid-18th century. It’s also a style that's slowly gaining momentum in Australia and, more than 250 years on from the earliest iterations, Otherside’s contribution to this lineage will represent a welcome entry point for many, in a stylish modern tinny.
Served at room temperature, ruby-coloured and crested with an off white halo, toffee and plummy fruitcake lead the way with an upfront alcohol warmth that accentuates the firm bitterness. Right now, its youthful enthusiasm will likely appeal to fans of big IIPAs and massive red IPAs, however, this will meld and develop over years for those with patience, which is part of the beauty of such beers.
Guy Southern
Published July 29, 2019 2019-07-29 00:00:00