Now that Thunder Road has won its battle to call one of its beers Pacific Ale, can we expect to see a flood of beers of said nomenclature appearing on shelves? One has to assume so, although quite whether many will choose to use the word Pacific in conjunction with a hefty stout is doubtful. However, for this winter release, Boatrocker felt it was the best way to capture the essence of the beer, given it's a stout featuring Aussie hops Galaxy and Ella.
Back before it had a name, it started out as a tiny batch brewed for The Grosvenor Hotel during Good Beer Week. Said tiny batch was a blend of the base beer for Ramjet (in other words, beer that hadn't been barrel-aged) with the brewery's Pale Ale. They were so happy with the outcome, they produced a lot more for winter.
According to the Boatrocker crew: "The blending causes some of the more roasted bitter notes of Ramjet to drop away, giving a huge dark chocolate malt profile. The Galaxy and Ella hops give a strong tropical fruit aroma upfront that continues on through the finish of the beer." So if you like huge, fruity, chocolatey things, go hunt some down.
Published July 27, 2016 2016-07-27 00:00:00